Yule is come, and Yule is gone, and we have feasted well;
Now Jack must to his flail again, and Jenny to her wheel.

January is National Photo Preservation Month.
January 1: New Year's Day (global)
147th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation (United States)
January 6: Epiphany (Christianity)
January 8: Coming-of-age Day (Japan)
January 14: Festival of Harvest (India)
January 17: World Religion Day (global)
January 18: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (United States)
January 25: Burns Night (Scotland)
January 26: Australia Day (Australia)
Republic Day (India)
Do any of the above events feature in or affect your heritage, culture, or family history?

Need help? Read my post, "How to Submit a Post to a Carnival", here.
Posted January 1 - the January 2010 Edition of the Graveyard Rabbits Carnival - The Final Resting Place
Posted January 4 - the 87th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy - Resolutions
Posted January 5 - the 25th Edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy - Hanukkah and Christmas Traditions
Posted January 7 - the 6th Edition of the Festival of Postcards - White
Part I and Part II
Posted January 9 - the 17th Edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture - Show and Tell
Posted January 18 - the 88th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy - Volunteerism

Read the latest "Backup Day" post by Thomas MacEntee at Geneabloggers.

Part 1 - Part 2
Scan your photos as part of National Photo Preservation Month!
Go here to learn how to join Scanfest and our group of chatting, scanning family archivists, historians, and bloggers!

courtesy of Thomas MacEntee of Destination: Austin Family.
Pale moon doth rain
Red moon doth blow
White moon doth neither
Rain nor snow.

Happy New Year, Miriam! Thanks for keeping us all on track with the Calendar of Events!
Happy New Year Miriam! I hope 2010 brings you continued success in all your endeavours.
Please check the date you have posted for Scanfest as January 13 is a Wednesday. Thanks.
Kathryn, I did have the date correct (31), but I had it written as the 31th (how is that read...thirty-wonth? LOL!) and not the 31st! Thanks for your sharp eyes...mine weren't so sharp when I put this post together at 2 AM!
Happy New Year to both of you, Wendy and Kathyrn! May 2010 be the year the brick walls come down!
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