Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday's Tip: 2014 Genealogy Blog Post Planner

I was inspired to day by a blog post that I stumbled across via Pinterest at The Mommy Mess blog. Her post, "How to Plan One Year of Blog Ideas," got me thinking, especially the part about creating a calendar. I've been using Evernote to jot down post ideas, but I love the concept of a calendar form. (Besides, I can always paste this into Evernote!)

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As you can see (and click the images to enlarge for a better view), I have created seven columns titled Day, Date, Blog Post Ideas, Notes, Draft, Scheduled, and Posted. The header includes a hyperlinked URL to Geneabloggers for more great blog post ideas.

Click to enlarge
I color-coded each month for ease of use. Don't worry. If you want to change the colors, including going back to an all-white background, you can do so when you download this as an Excel file. In fact, you can personalize any part of this template. The only thing I've frozen are the headers, so that when you scroll down, you can always see them. Note this in the image below.

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Here's a screenshot of how I'm using my 2014 Genealogy Blog Post Planner. You can see that I've already written and scheduled a couple of posts in February. I've marked when I'll be at RootsTech; I plan on blogging the activities there. I've also marked when I need to do Tuesday's Tips and Surname Saturday posts. I'll go in later and fill in exactly what ideas and surnames I'll blog about on those days, later.

To get your own 2014 Genealogy Blog Post Planner, go to http://tinyurl.com/GBPP14. At the top of the page, click on File > Download As > Microsoft Excel. If you wish to keep this in your own Google Drive, download it first, save it to your computer, and then upload it to Google Drive. You can also request this template from me via email.

If you like what you've found here, please repost it on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+, using the icons below. Happy New Year, and best of luck in your blogging!

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