I just received Footnote.com's first-ever monthly newsletter in my e-mail inbox a few minutes ago. It lists what's happening at Footnote, including recently added titles of collections, new titles coming soon, and titles they're still working on. They mention that they have a Seven Day All-Access Free Trial Membership in effect; for more information, click here. They list new and improved features of the site, including Spotlights, Title Information Pages, Original Documents Page, and the Image Viewer. There's a Name the Newsletter contest, and a juicy tidbit that more World War II documents will be arriving soon!
So how do you sign up to receive the monthly newsletter? My guess is that you simply need to sign up to become a free member by going to their home page, http://www.footnote.com , and clicking on the "Become A Member" link in the upper right-hand corner. You can sign up for the Free Footnote Membership, or try out their Seven Day All-Access Free Trial Membership. Although I do have an All-Access Membership, even if I did not, I would sign up for the freebie or trial version to receive the newsletter. I've done this for several genealogical subscription websites that offer newsletters with their freebie plans. Some of them don't currently offer databases that pertain to my research, or I don't see much that holds my interest. But by being on their mailing list, I'm alerted to updates on data that may interest me, or learn about short-term free trial periods or database access.
Now, Footnote is not one of those sites that doesn't offer me much or leave me somewhat disinterested! Although it took me a while to warm up the website, mainly because I was ignorant of the scope and depth of their content, now I'm a confirmed addict. In the coming days, I'll share with you some of the documents I've found on my ancestors, and even give comparisons as to the quality and breadth of the records in contrast to what other similar genealogy websites offer.
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