
Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Visit with Craig Manson

Craig Manson and Miriam Robbins Midkiff, Spokane, Washington. 10 October 2010. Privately held by Miriam Robbins Midkiff, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Spokane, Washington. 2010.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting with another of my favorite geneabloggers, Craig Manson of GeneaBlogie. He was in Spokane this week speaking at the Northwest Mining Association Convention and we got together for an afternoon of chatting and tea at Brambleberry Cottage and Tea Shoppe.

Craig was one of the first geneabloggers whose blogs I read back in the day when there were only about a dozen of us, and like many of the early geneabloggers, we formed a connection that was based around Jasia's Carnival of Genealogy. While I met him in person for the first time at Jamboree this past June, I did not have much of an opportunity at that time to really visit and get to know Craig better. So I was delighted when he e-mailed me early this fall to say he would be in the area, and could we get together?

We spent two hours at the teahouse enjoying pots and pots of hot, handblended teas and devouring the delicious sandwiches and desserts while talking genealogy, history, and some ancestral locations we have in common in Alaska, Michigan, and Texas. Craig's visit to Spokane marks the third one by a good geneablogger friend in less than three months! I've been so blessed to have these good folks visit, and look forward to visiting with them again in the future.


  1. Excellent! Thanks for sharing how your visit went and sharing the picture. Sounds like you had a great time.

  2. How fun! I love it when genealogy bloggers get together. Thanks for sharing your visit with us.

  3. Sounds like you had a marvelous time. Color me jealous!

  4. Thanks for dropping by. We had such a nice time. I do love it when geneabloggers get together!
