
Thursday, February 04, 2010

52 Weeks Equals One Year of Great Genealogy!

It's only been six weeks since the New Year began. Many of us made resolutions to increase our learning in genealogy or--if we are bloggers or write journals--to improve our writing in some way.

Several well-known and experienced bloggers have come up with "52 Weeks" prompts to help the rest of us learn or write better and more in regard to family history and research.

Lorine Massey of Olive Tree Genealogy has "52 Weeks of Sharing Memories," a journal exercise that started in December. It's not too late to play catch up or just jump in right with her! And you don't have to have a blog to do this...just get an "old fashioned" journal and pen!

Amy Coffin of We Tree has done it again! Last year she created writing prompts for new and not-so-new bloggers called "Jump Start Your Blog: 52 Ideas, 52 Weeks." This year she is posting "52 Weeks to a Better Genealogy." These are learning opportunities that can be expanded into blogging or journaling exercises once you've explored the different resources and activities.

Gena Ortega of Gena's Genealogy is highlighting little-explored genealogy resources in "52 Weeks of Genealogy Sources." Who knew we should be looking for our ancestors in dog tax records and letters to the editor? If you have some hard-to-find people in your family tree, get creative and find them in some quirky records!

Finally, I hope you'll join me every Sunday to discover "52 Weeks of Online American Digital Archives and Databases," a weekly series here on AnceStories of Online American Digital Archives and Databases found for free at state, county, municipal, college and university history, library, and archive websites, as well as public and private library and museum sites, and historical and genealogical society sites.


  1. There is always something new to learn. I appreciate all the help given by these genealogists and bloggers.
