
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy 101 Award

Thanks to Bill, Russ, and Linda for honoring me with the Happy 101 Award!

The responsibilities of receiving this award include naming ten things that make you happy and then passing it along to ten friends.  Ten things that make me happy are (in no particular order):

1. Breaking down a genealogical brick wall - need I say more?

2. Seeing one of my special needs students accomplish or learn something - one of my favorites was when I taught a 12-year-old autistic student to tie his shoes, and then later he tied shoes for all the other students who weren't able to do their own

3. Working with a wonderful team of colleagues in our Special Ed classroom - we have so much fun, we work very hard, and we have each others' backs

4. Having lunch with fellow EWGS members at Nordstrom's once a month - good food, good company, and a whole hour of talking genealogy - it doesn't get much better than that!

5. Teaching someone how to trace their family tree - seeing others break down their brickwalls is just as much fun as breaking down your own!

6. Getting together with extended family for holidays and birthday celebrations - I have an awesome family and we have always been there for each other

7. Cleaning and organizing my home (OK, I know I'm weird!) - there's a sense of accomplishment and peace that comes when things are in order

8. Finding online genealogical or historical resources to share with others - thus my Online Historical Directories and Online Historical Newspapers websites, as well as tips I share on this blog

9. Traveling - by car, by sea, by rail, by air; I love getting away and seeing  new places, and I just don't do it often enough!

10. Doing something creative, like needlework or drawing (a new skill I picked up a few months ago) - listening to music while I make something useful and/or beautiful is very soothing

The ten people I would like to honor with this award are:

2. Jennifer of But Now I'm Found

3. Ernie of Ernie's Journeys

4. Luckie of Our Georgia Roots

5. Gena of Gena's Genealogy

9. Charles of Mikkel's Hus

10. Linda of From Axer to Ziegler

All of these people are a part of the geneablogosphere, a community that makes me very happy, indeed!


  1. Thanks Miriam for passing on the happiness! I answered the charge & sealed the deal with a REAL cupcake!:-)

