
Saturday, January 16, 2010

AnceStories is Four Years Old!

I remember and then I forget, I remember and then I forget again...I think middle age has set in! The past two weeks I would remember at odd times that my blogoversary was coming up, but never when I was at the computer to prepare a post for it. Just now, I remembered again!

Wow, it's hard to believe I've been doing this for four years! My daughter was a freshman in high school and my son was in 6th grade...a lifetime ago, it seems. The Geneabloggers Group was just a loose-knit community of beginning genealogy bloggers who reached out to each other for support because there were so few of us. Now, there are over 1,500 genealogy blogs listed at the Genealogy Blog Finder, and many of them (845 at the moment) are also listed at!

As luck would have it, I don't have much time to reminisce about the past or the evolution of this blog, as I'm on my way to my genealogical society's board meeting. But I wanted to take the time to thank you, my readers, for hanging in there and returning to visit, throughout times of writer's block, computer failures, and crazy busy weeks when I just couldn't find the time to write anything of consequence. While I would still blog about my research (I can't not write!) even if no one visited, having the wonderful feedback and encouragement of all of you has made it so very worthwhile! I often picture you as individuals and as a group as I'm blogging, and always hope that my words communicate my intent well, whether it is to educate, entertain, reminisce, or share my excitement in my latest find. I look forward to many more years of doing this, and hope you enjoy the ride as well!


  1. Happy 4th Blogiversary, Miriam! I think I've been following you for about 3 1/2 of those years. Looking forward to year #5!

  2. Happy Blogoversary; here's to many more! Ancestories is definitely a touchstone of the GeneaBlogging world.

  3. Happy 4th as well. You have high standards for your blog, and it is a pleasure to be a follower. Thank you for all your posts.

  4. Happy Blogiversary, Miriam. Looking forward to many more to come. I have been following you all my blog life, thank you for all you give to us.

  5. Happy Blogoversary! Like Apple, I've been reading your blog for most of the past four years and am looking forward to the next year and more to come.

  6. Happy 4th anniversary!! Keep up the great work!

  7. Congratulations, Miriam. I am looking forward to many more years of thoughtful posts!

  8. Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for sharing your stories, your links, Scanfest, and your wealth of knowledge these past four years!

  9. Congrats on four years. Best wishes for many more.

  10. Miriam,
    Yes, I can relate to the memory issue. Here is a little congratulatory gift: your very own countdown Blogoversary button so you don't have to remember. Here's to four years of excellence!

  11. Happy, Happy 4th, Miriam! I look forward to reading AnceStories for
    many more years to come!
