
Monday, December 07, 2009

The Genea-Speak Award

I've been honored to be chosen by Thomas McEntee of Destination Austin Family to receive the Genea-Speak Award. This award was created by texican wife at Mountain Genealogist and is given "for excellence in writing, speaking, and the promoting of good genealogical practices." The requirement upon receiving the award is to pass it on to at least two deserving recipients. Thomas had extremely kind words to say about me and I was doubly honored to be included with Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings as a recipient.

I would like to present this award to two women whose writing, speaking and promotion of good genealogical practices is well-known to those in the genealogical world: Lisa Alzo and Lisa Louise Cooke.

Lisa Alzo is a genealogist and writer who currently resides in New York. She grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition from West Virginia Wesleyan College and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Nonfiction Writing from the University of Pittsburgh. She is the author of seven books and numerous magazine articles, and has also been an avid genealogist for 20 years. She uses her expertise to teach online genealogy courses and is a frequently invited speaker for national conferences, genealogical and historical societies. She maintains a blog at The Accidental Genealogist and her website is Although I've never had the privilege of hearing her speak, I have read many of her articles in various genealogical magazines, a list of which you can see here. Lisa challenges me with her research and writing, because she has one of the more difficult ethnic groups to research: Eastern European. Although I do not have Eastern European heritage, her work inspires me to leave no stone unturned and to keep persevering, even when resources are slim!

Lisa Louise Cooke is the Queen of Genealogical Podcasting. She created the Genealogy Gems Podcast, an online genealogy radio show available through her web site www.genealogygems.TV and iTunes. Her podcast and website strive to help listeners make the most of their family history research time by providing innovative ideas and fascinating interviews with genealogy experts. And she provides creative ways for listeners to share their findings with their families through innovative projects and motivational stories. Additionally, she offers the Genealogy Gems Premium Podcast (via subscription), and is the host of Family Tree Magazine's Podcast and Personal Life Media's Family History Podcast. She has written a book, Genealogy Gems: Ultimate Research Strategies, produces videocasts for Family History Expos (the leading genealogy conference provider), and is a much-requested speaker at genealogy workshops and conferences. Lisa's podcasts are entertaining, informative, and educational and I am inspired every time I listen!

Please help me in congratulating these two fine award recipients!

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  1. The Two Lisas - great choices! I've been lucky enough to meet both in person and see them speak - they are amazing!

  2. Miriam,

    Thank you so much. I am truly honored and humbled to be presented with this award. I so admire all that you do for the genealogy community, so this really means a lot to me.

    Congrats on your award too!


  3. It is wonderful to see excellence honored! Congratulations.

  4. What a terrific honor! My gosh Miriam, thank you! This kind of acknowledgement coming from you means so much to me. And I'm in great company with Lisa Alzo!
