
Friday, November 20, 2009

The 24th Edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy Has Been Posted!

Al Wierzba of Al's Polish-American Genealogy Research is the host of the 24th Edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy, whose theme is "Tips, Tricks, and Websites for Researching Central and Eastern European Genealogy."

Nine articles were submitted by the same number of authors. Even if you don't have ancestry from Central and Eastern Europe, these posts are well worth the reading for general tips and ideas that can help with any research!

The 25th edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy will be hosted by Jessica Oswalt of Jessica's Genejournal. The topic for this edition will be Christmas/Hanukkah traditions. Does your family have any unique Christmas or Hanukkah traditions? Articles on topics such as food dishes, decorations, traditions, etc., of Central and Eastern Europe are welcome. The deadline for the submissions will be December 18, and Jessica will post the edition on the 20th. Please submit articles through the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy website.

FYI: the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy accepts submissions on articles relating to the territory now governed by the following modern governments: Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, Turkey, Russia Federation, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina.


  1. Miriam, I gave you the Kreative Blogger Award as I so appreciate the hard work you put into writing your blog. Very helpful. Thanks! You can see it at Polly

  2. Hi Miriam,

    Thank you for posting on the carnival.



  3. You're welcome, Jessica. I'm working on doing a better job of promoting the carnivals.
