
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Light Blogging Ahead

Tomorrow I'm back at work after 10 very short weeks of summer "vacation." In my opinion, there was very little of either summer or vacation. However, I can't complain too much. I am gainfully employed in a job with great benefits doing the sort of work that is as enjoyable to me as doing genealogy: working with developmentally impaired middle-schoolers (7th and 8th grades). And, in the words of one of my principals years ago, ours is probably the only field where every year, we get a chance to start new and fresh.

Between the start of a new school year and the upcoming Washington State Genealogical Society's 2009 State Conference, I expect light blogging ahead here on AnceStories. My blogging focus for the next three weeks will be on the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society blog, as EWGS is the host society of the state conference.

I appreciate your patience!


  1. Thanks, Apple! Your first day is coming up soon, too, right?

  2. I hope something will happen every day, (OK week) to confirm your optimism about your job, and increase your energy. Some people are just made to be in certain places and I'm glad you have yours. And I hope the conference will go smoothly!

  3. I have to go in for a few hours next week but classes don't start until Sept 9th. We'll pay for the late start next June :(

  4. Apple, I saw lots of school buses yesterday around town as drivers were obviously practicing their routes...and I thought of you, of course!

    Late school starts are great, but not late school endings; I agree!

  5. Congratulations! Our selection committee compiled an exclusive list of the Top 100 genealogy Blogs, and yours was included! Check it out at

    You can claim your Top 100 Blogs Award Badge at

