
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Treasures, Surprises, and Faces

Although I'm sorry I'm missing the Southern California Genealogical Society's Jamboree (and all the great Geneablogger gatherings!), I have my own celebrations this weekend that I wouldn't have missed for all the world!

Among the MANY family birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations this month...among the MANY special family birthdays occurring this month, (1st, 18th, 50th, 60th, and 65th--two of the latter!) is my mother's 65th birthday today.

That in itself is pretty special. Additionally, her brother/my uncle decided to make it extra special by taking some time off work at his job for a railroad in Western Michigan to be here as a surprise for her. He arrived early yesterday morning and we spent quite a bit of time visiting all day long. He brought with him two packages from my grandparents' estates, one for me and one for Mom, full of documents and photos from my mother's, grandmother's, and great-grandmother's childhoods. There are photos of my Great-great-grandparents HOEKSTRA, and another of my Great-great-grandmother DeVRIES, treasures because I'd never before seen photos of them. There are also photos of siblings and cousins of ancestors which now give me faces to go with the many names I've researched over the years.

It's been a priceless weekend: seeing the look on my mother's face as she walked into my home and saw my uncle ("there's a package from Michigan in the living room for you, Mom!"); and seeing the my ancestors' faces gazing back at me from vintage photo albums.

Tomorrow morning, I'll begin scanning the treasured photos of my ancestors. I hope you'll join me from 11 AM to 2 PM, Pacific Daylight Time for Scanfest.


  1. How wonderful!! And how thoughtful of your Mom to have her birthday right before Scanfest so you would have all these treasures to scan ;-) Looking forward to seeing a few of them later today.

  2. You are so lucky!Pictures are wonderful1Have fun!

  3. A belated Happy Birthday to your mom and happy scanning!
