
Monday, February 16, 2009

This and That

I'm slowly easing back into blogging, as you can see. I'm not ready to publish the next segment in my "Getting More Traffic to Your Blog" series tomorrow, but hope to continue next week. Meantime, you might like to read this post, "5 Tips for Increasing Blog Subscribers," by Traci Bisson at Bizzy Women, a business woman's blog.

Currently, I'm working on my first Brickwall Ancestor post, which is taking a surprisingly long amount of time to complete. The main slowdown is citing all my sources correctly, and in doing so, I'm discovering a few minor errors, which by correcting are so far not yielding any new clues (darn it!).

A couple of carnivals have recently been published, with a couple more due out any day. The most recent releases are the 3rd Edition of the Canadian Genealogy Carnival ("Around the Kitchen Table") and the 10th Edition of the "I Smile for the Camera" Carnival ("Costume"). Enjoy reading these, as I have, and then get thinking about posts to submit for the next editions!

Here are some new-to-me genealogy blogs I've discovered and added to my Google Reader. Some of the names of these blogs are very clever! It's good to see some bloggers from other countries besides the U.S. writing about their heritage, to give the Genea-Bloggers Group some diversity and to help us learn about other countries' histories and cultures. I think you'll enjoy reading these blogs as well as I do:

A new-to-me history blog that I'm excited about is the Ravenna [Michigan] Area Historical Society Blog. Ravenna is one of my ancestral locations, and I sent the link to my dad and his siblings, knowing they would enjoy it as well. They used to spend part of their summers at the family cabin at nearby Crockery Lake, and my great-grandparents were instrumental in establishing the VFW post and Ladies Auxiliary in the area.

Another interesting history blog is Firelands History, which tells the story of the settlers who came from Connecticut to Ohio. My PHILLIPS and DICKINSON families would have been a part of this migration, so of course, it holds personal fascination for me as well.

Our beloved Grandfather Genea-Blogger Ernie Margheim is taking a two-week break from blogging while he spends some time in the hospital. Drop on by his wonderful blog and wish him the best of health, and then take some time to read his old posts if you haven't discovered it already! His story-telling reminds me of my own Grandfather Robbins', whom I still miss very much.

Dawn Thurston has moved her blog, Memoir Mentor, to a new URL:

Those of you who've been around for a while will be glad to see that Barbara is posting again at Our Carroll Family Genealogy after a long hiatus! Welcome back, Barbara!

And that's a wrap!


  1. You wouldn't have found many posts on my Photo-Sleuth blog in the last couple of months anyway, as I've been occupied elsewhere, but I hope to remedy that with a flurry of activity ;-) Thanks for the mention, and I look forward to reading your articles.

    Regards, Brett

  2. Thanks for dropping by, Brett, and I look forward to reading YOUR articles and seeing the great photos!

  3. Thank you for adding my blog to your site...

    I love your blog and hope to read much more.

  4. I love your posts, Miriam! I always try to not miss one, but have been busy and almost missed this one. Thank you for your kind words about Dad (Ernie Margheim). I'm visiting him tomorrow and will print this out to show him. He'll be quite thrilled. You have no idea how he loves the nice comments and loves the connections. It still boggles his mind how connected we're able to be on the internet. He loves it. I feel blessed that he embraces it so eagerly. When people leave comments or mention him, he's quite surprised--he never expects it. I have to remind him to read his comments! I'll continue to post updates on his blog for him. He's in for a long haul I think.

  5. Becky, I wish more people of your dad's generation would blog. I know that the technology combined with any physical or mental ailment can be overwhelming for seniors, but your dad is so blessed to have you help him get started in this! We no longer sit around the campfire with our elders as we did in our aboriginal days to listen to the oral traditions. Blogging can be our modern-day version of this.

  6. Thank you Miriam. I so agree. WWe can make it easy for our parents and they don't have to be tech savvy. I got Dad's Blogger account set up (easy) and told him to email his stories to me. If elderly people use the computer it's usually for email. He puts the title in the subject line, then types his story and emails it to me. I post it and add the photos for him. Done! He could email it straight to the blog--Blogger has taht set up too. It's so simple I wish more people would do it too! Older people WANT to tell their stories, but people don't want to listen. Thanks again!

  7. Thanks so much for adding me to the list of blogs that you read. I have awarded you the KreativBlogger award. You can pick it up at


  8. Thank you for adding a link to The Firelands History Blog on your site.

    I enjoy reading your posts.
