
Monday, December 29, 2008

Tuesday's Tip Slightly Delayed

Due to one thing or another, I haven't quite finished my Tuesday's Tip post in time too be published at 5 AM, EST. I had considered staying up late Monday night to finish it, but my shoulder is rather inflamed and I think I had better just take some pain medication and go to bed.

Tuesday I have my next physical therapy session and we will have a break in the weather (so the weatherman has promised), which means we need to get errands done before the snow storms of Wednesday and Thursday/Friday arrive. I feel I am living Laura Ingalls Wilder's The Long Winter. We have had four feet of snow in a week and a half; a thaw, producing collapsing roofs all over town; a freeze, creating sheets of ice; and another foot of snow within six hours' time.

Once errands are done (supplies restocked, Christmas packages mailed out to family with which we unfortunately never connected due to the weather), I can finish and publish the post. Thank you for your patience.


  1. So Tuesday morning's tip is get out while you can!! lol Kidding aside, I really hope you get a break very soon. I do know how cabin fever and worry about the weather can take it's toll in addition to actually having to deal with it.

    I am sorry your shoulder is bothering you and I hope physical therapy went well this morning. I've had a minor set back myself so I hope you will be in good shape to get back to your special kids next week. I know they must be missing you and you'll need the shoulder for all the hugs you'll be getting!

  2. Hi, Apple. I rarely get cabin fever (as long as I can be on the Internet!), but whenever the weather breaks, we try to get any errands done that we need and stock up on supplies for the next round of storms.

    My shoulder is much better this morning and PT went well. I hope you are feeling better, too. Chery broke her wrist, so we are the Three Musketeers, or gimpy genea-bloggers, anyway!

    Thanks for dropping by; the Tips post is now published!
