
Monday, August 04, 2008

Tagged...Again...and Again!

Carol Wilkerson of iPentimento in Your Reader got this whole BFF (Blogging Friends Forever) meme rolling through the genea-blogosphere, when she tagged me the other day. I like these memes, because I discover new-to-me blogs. But it was only logical that sooner or later, people were going to start tagging those who'd been tagged earlier. It gets difficult to find someone who hasn't been tagged!

Recently, both Amy of Amy's Genealogy Blog, etc. and Jeanna of tagged me as a BFF. Thanks, ladies! Both are new-to-me blogging buddies whose blogs have recently been added to my blogroll. I hope my readers take the time to go visit Amy and Jeanna.

UPDATE: Thank you also to Donna of What's Past is Prologue for tagging me along with the other authors of the Facebook® Bootcamp for Genea-Bloggers blog.

UPDATE II: Another thank you to Virginia of Valeehill Genealogy Blog, who tagged me in a note over at Facebook.

And speaking of my blogroll, if you actually visit my blog site and don't just read AnceStories from a feed reader such as Google Reader or Bloglines, you'll see about a quarter of way down the page, in the right-hand margin, a list of 10 posts that have recently been published by my genea-blogging friends. You see, currently, I have 163 blogs added to the Genealogy folder of my Google Reader account! That's too long of a list to post on my blog, and unless someone's blog has an intriguing title, it's doubtful my readers would click on a link. Thus I've fixed my setting to show the latest posts with a clip that will motivate my readers to click on the link to read more.

There are a number of ways to find new genealogy blogs. Laura Womack wrote "Methods for Finding Genealogy Blogs" at Life at the Home20. I have also discovered that when I view my Google Reader and click on "Discover" above my blogroll, it gives me suggestions for finding more blogs, genealogy and otherwise. It does this by comparing my interests with the feeds of users similar to me. Try it out!

1 comment:

  1. Miriam,

    Thanks for referencing Laura Womack's article. I haven't seen it yet and will go and take a look. A new way for genealogists to find blogs is to use Facebook's Blog Network. More and more blogs tagged as "genealogy" or "family history" are being added every day!

    California Genealogical Society and Library blog
