
Monday, July 14, 2008

The 3rd Edition of the "I Smile for the Camera" Carnival is Posted

logo courtesy of footnoteMaven

"Celebrate Home" is the topic of the 3rd edition of the "I Smile for the Camera" Carnival, which footnoteMaven has created on her new blog, Shades of the Departed, a free digital publication which highlights photography and genealogy. My entry for this carnival was "Home is Where the Heart Is," and was joined by 19 others. There are beautiful photos, thoughtful Wordles (you'll have to read the posts to discover what that is!), and heartwarming stories, all celebrating the ideal of Home.

The topic for the next edition is "My Favorite Photograph":
Choose a photograph of an ancestor, relative, yourself, or an orphan photograph that is your favorite family photo or that photograph you've collected and wouldn't give up for a King's ransom.

Is it the only photograph of an ancestor, is it funny, poignant, or very rare? My favorite photograph is the first one I ever collected. What's yours? Share it with us! Then get back out in the summer sun.

Your submission may include as many or as few words as you feel are necessary to describe your treasured photograph. Those words may be in the form of an expressive comment, a quote, a journal entry, a poem (your own or a favorite), a scrapbook page, or a heartfelt article. The choice is yours!

The deadline is midnight, 10 August 2008. Submissions may be entered here.


  1. Miriam:

    Thank you for promoting Smile For The Camera and participating. It is greatly appreciated.

    I loved your post, you are the consummate family historian.


  2. No problem, fM!

    Thank you for your kind words.
