
Thursday, June 19, 2008

...And Still Waiting...

After spending over $100 in new modem and router equipment, my Internet service still is not working. My ISP insists that the connection is good. With heavy building construction across the street and the major street we live nearby being torn up literally on a nightly basis to lay new cable, I'm not convinced there's an exterior problem. A tech will arrive in the morning to hopefully resolve the issue.

Meanwhile, we're making family history this week, as Randy likes to say. A grandniece was born a week ago. My sister graduated from nursing school on Monday. My maternal aunt from the Detroit visited for the graduation, and my sister-in-law and her husband will arrive tomorrow. Lastly, my daughter leaves for an 11-day mission to the Dream Center with her youth group on Saturday. It's probably better that I wasn't online during this busy week, anyway!

Lastly, thanks to Becky, Randy, Tim, and Terry, I discovered that an interview I did last January for Google Book Search aired recently online. Because it took so long to air, I sort of figured by this time that Google decided to scrap the project. I am delighted to see that it survived the cutting floor and am very pleased with the results! Hopefully, it will inspire others to use Google Book Search in their genealogical research, too!

1 comment:

  1. Great interview Miriam, congratulations! Now I'll have a face and voice to go with the words at scanfest.
