
Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Is...

...Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (USA)

...National Teachers Month
(Do you have a teacher in your family tree?
Perhaps you can feature him or her on your blog, like Terry plans to.)

...National Historic Preservation Month

May 5: Cinco de Mayo (Mexico)

May 11: Mother's Day (USA)

May 17: Søttende mai (Norwegian Constitution Day)

May 26: Memorial Day or Decoration Day -
originally observed to honor the dead of the U.S. Civil War;
now commemorated for all military dead.
Many people clean and decorate family graves during this time.

Carnival Deadlines:

May 1 - 47th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy - "A Place Called Home"

May 10 - 1st Edition of the Smile for the Camera Carnival - "Mother Love"

May 14 - 4th Edition of the "Where Were You" Carnival - "Pearl Harbor"

May 19th - Cabinet of Curiosities #7

May 19th - 7th Edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy - feature a female ancestor from Central and/or Eastern Europe

May 31 - 6th Edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture - "What Does It Mean to Be Irish?"

Scanfest: May 18, 11 AM - 2 PM, Pacific Daylight Time
*Held one week early due to the last Sunday of the month
occurring during Memorial Day weekend.*


  1. You are certainly on the ball with your monthly calendars, Miriam! I'd hardly announced the next carnival when you put the word out on your own blog.

    Thanks for the publicity! I hope to have a "slew" of posts "galore" for the next Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture (to use some words we took from the Irish language).


  2. Thanks Miriam! I think I have all of these entered now on the Genea-Blogger calendar:

  3. Miriam:

    Thank you so much for posting a link to the 1st Smile For The Camera - A Carnival of Images.

    You are keeping us all well informed and on our toes.


  4. Lisa, my secret is that I start my post early the previous month and add all the carnival and other information as the weeks go by. Late last night I realized I only needed two carnival dates, Jessica's and yours. All I had to do was input them and presto! I posted them using Blogger in Draft's scheduled posts feature.

    Thomas, I so appreciate your Google calender and have added it to my own personal one. Starting next month, I'll add your Backup Your Data reminders to my Calendar of Events.

    Maven, I'm excited to see this new carnival and am trying to come up with a photo to post.

    Thanks, all for your kind words!
