
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Carnivals Galore!

This past week has seen the publication of four of my favorite carnivals. I've been--sadly--too busy to submit any posts to these, but I sure have enjoyed reading them as I snatch little moments here and there!

On Sunday, April 27th, the Cabinet of Curiosities #6 was posted by Jessica Palmer of bioephemera. You'll recognize one of our prominent geneabloggers, Janice of Cow Hampshire, as one of the submitters. Not necessarily a genealogy carnival, many geneabloggers submit their unusual finds they come across while researching their family trees.

Jessica of Jessica's Genejournal posted the 6th Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy on Monday, April 28th, which had a carousel (pick your own) theme.

Wednesday, April 30th, Lisa of A light that shines again posted the 5th Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture with the topic of "Irish Gaelic Names and Words."

And Jasia of Creative Gene just posted the 47th Carnival of Genealogy with the topic "A Place Called Home". This ties in nicely with the National Historic Preservation Month's theme of "This Place Matters"!

Happy Reading!