
Friday, February 29, 2008

Report on February 2008 Scanfest

This has been one of the most intense work weeks of the school year, coupled with evening activities for myself or my children all week long (except for Wednesday night, when I crashed for a much-needed two-hour nap). Most of the posts I've published this week were pre-written, so although it looks like I've been busy writing all week, I just haven't had the chance to write about the great Scanfest we had last Sunday, until now! And believe me, it was worth blogging about! I'm so honored that many of the participants chose to blog about it on their own blogs.

We again set a record with the number of Scanfesters for the second month in a row! Besides myself, there were nine other participants: Apple, Colleen, Elizabeth, the footnoteMaven, Jasia, John, Renee, Sheri (a non-blogger), and Thomas. And again, we set a record for the second month in a row for new participants, John and Sheri!

As usual, our conversations ranged from the serious to the silly (click on some of the links above to find out our chat topics!). Amazingly enough, we got a lot accomplished, even me (the hostess doesn't always get a lot of scanning done, as she is busy with adding new arrivals to the conversation, and other logistical duties).

One of the things brought up in conversation was my desire to spend a lot of time scanning when I go on Spring Break (Saturday, March 29 - Sunday, April 6). We'll be having a regular Scanfest during that time, anyway (Sunday, March 30th from 11 AM - 2 PM, Pacific Time). But I am thinking that I will turn on Windows Live Messenger whenever I do a major scan project during Scanfest, and you can feel free to join me. I can include evening times, for those of you who have not been able to join us on Sundays due to church and/or family activities. Again, this Spring Break Scan-a-thon will be very informal, no set times; just look for me when you're online to see if I'm on, too. I'll have more details and reminders as we approach these dates. I hope you can join us!


  1. Miriam,

    What a great idea! I definitely will plan to join you all during an upcoming Scanfest. This is just what I need to get started. Thanks so much for sharing your scan-adventures! BTW, did you realize that February 25th was your one year SCANniversary?

  2. No, I did not! I look forward to you joining us!
