
Monday, February 11, 2008

The AnceStories Limerick


  1. Thanks, Miriam, for taking up the challenge! I'm looking forward for this roundup --- and below is a "poem" just for you. TERRY

    AnceStories is where we tromp
    To have a read or a fun romp
    With the genea-blogging troupe ---
    Miriam born in Alaska icy;
    Moved South, thawed nicely
    And posts prompt after prompt.6

  2. Thanks, Terry! You sure got people started on a great meme!

  3. Terry should be blamed for everything I think, Miriam. Anyone who can rhyme with Spokane is talented (grin).

    Ancestories belongs to Miriam,
    For blogging she has no sad delirium,
    Her family tree grows like bacterium.
    I'm hoping she has a funny bone
    Else I end up in her combat zone
    And hit the bottle--jamaican rum


  4. Miriam, See. Even Janice is now blaming "it on Terry." But for everything she thinks? LOL! I think Janice is just trying to get a compliment on her glove repairs/stitching if her advice column today is to be believed.

  5. If at blogging you want to succeed
    Then it’s AnceStories you need
    Miriam never stints
    With great writing hints
    For a blog that is pleasing to read!
