
Monday, January 28, 2008

Report on January 2008 Scanfest

This month's Scanfest was the largest, attendee-wise, that I've hosted so far! Our group included repeat Scanfesters Colleen of Orations of OMcHodoy, Apple of Apple's Tree, and Jasia of Creative Gene. We were joined for the first time by Thomas of Destination: Austin Family, Elizabeth of Little Bytes of Life, and Renee of Renee's Genealogy Blog.

As usual, there was a variety of items being scanned, as well as a variety of topics we discussed. Apple and I each had piles of old postcards, which she blogs about here. Colleen was scanning a pile of pictures that she had gotten from her dad's house last summer, and Thomas rescanned some favorite photos that he had originally scanned in low resolution. Sally Jacob's free download (available here with a sign-up for her free newsletter), 8 Blunders People Make When They Scan Photographs...and How You Can Avoid Them All, had educated Thomas on the correct resolution he needed for best photo preservation. Jasia was also working on photos, family ones from the early 1980s and later. Elizabeth had borrowed an album of old family photos from a cousin and was attempting to get her project done so she could return it. Renee couldn't join us until near the end; her pile of scanning to-dos included family documents from her husband's line.

We chatted about our scanning projects (of course), our scanners, parenting (teens and toddlers!), our mothers-in-law, the weather, our 80s hair days, homeschooling, our favorite music genres, and Broadway musicals (love 'em or hate 'em?). You sure get to know other genea-bloggers better during Scanfest, although you don't have to have a blog to participate. We sure enjoyed ourselves, and hope you will join us for the next one, scheduled for Sunday, February 24th, from 11 AM - 2 PM, Pacific Time.


  1. It was a blast and thanks for putting up with my antics!

  2. Thomas, you were a hoot, and we sure enjoyed you!

  3. Sorry - I never seem to be able to make Scanfest. I was tied up with church activities all day!

  4. I had a great time! I might have scanned more if I hadn't been laughing so much, then again without the rest of you I might have fallen asleep from boredom ;-)

  5. Lori, sorry you couldn't make it. We'll have to have a non-Sunday Scanfest sometime.

    Apple, it was great to have you with us, as always. You've been with us from the beginning, and I hope for many more good times with you!

  6. Thanks for letting me join in the fun! I had a wonderful time chatting with you all, and I even got a few pages scanned!

    I want to see pics of the 80's hair!

  7. Elizabeth, sorry I didn't respond was great having you with us! Thomas posted his big hair pic here. I'll have to dig mine up and post them, too!
