
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The 38th Carnival of Genealogy is Posted

"The New Millennium" is the topic of the 38th Carnival of Genealogy, which Jasia has just posted over at Creative Gene. Were you Y2K ready? How did you ring in 2000? Someday our great-grandchildren will be wondering; have you written about this event for your descendants?

Fourteen genea-bloggers share their stories in this carnival. As usual, they offer a variety of experiences and unique perspectives on this event. My post on this topic is "The Midkiff Family: Y2K Ready."

The topic for the 39th Carnival of Genealogy will be "New Year's Resolutions." Jasia writes, "As the year winds to a close in the next couple weeks it's a good time to review the progress made in our genealogy research and to make a plan for next year. So what did you accomplish last year and what road blocks did you encounter? What are your research goals for next year and how do you resolve to attain them?" The deadline will be January 1st, and can be submitted here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping to get the word out about the COG. I always appreciate it!

    Merry Christmas!

